Assistance Resources (Food, Clothing, Household Items, Relief funds, Etc.)

American Red Cross — Call 24/7 for emergency messages, which can be sent for: death or serious illness, birth of a child and are needed for emergency leave situations. Call toll free: 1-877-272-7337 

Operation Homefront — Qualifying deployed military families can access assistance with car repairs, computers, moving costs, and commissary vouchers when available. Certain restrictions apply. Call 858-282-0960 

Armed Services YMCA (ASYMCA) — ASUMCA provides in-home social work visits, emergency food, volunteer opportunities, and other outreach. Operation Kid Comfort creates custom-made photo transfer quilts for children of deployed U.S military services men and women. Call 858-751-5755 

Navy-Marine Corps Relief Society (NMCRS) — NMCRS provides financial counseling, thrift shops, Budget for Baby workshops and scholarships. Financial assistance available in the form of no interest loans and support to qualifying individuals. Call 619-767-6800 or visit:

United Service Organization (USO) — USO provides ticket giveaways, holiday programs, community chest food program, and FREE Tuesday night dinner. Call 619-235-6503 or visit: for more information.

Women, Infant, and Children (WIC) Program — WIC provides vouchers, consulting, nutritional advice, and support to pregnant and new moms and children 5 and under. Eligibility is based on income. Call 1-800-500-6411 or visit:

San Diego Food Bank — Call 1-866-350-3663 or visit: for information about food assistance.

CalFresh Program/Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) — For enrollment call 916-654-1896 

San Diego Military Outreach Ministries (SD MOM) — SD MOM distributes food bags donated by stores and food drives at various locations throughout the county to military families eight times a month. Day old bread is given eight times a week.  Additional resources provided by SD MOM are Holiday events and mentoring groups for military spouses. For more information and to find distribution locations call 619-461-4164 or visit:

Support The Enlisted Project (STEP) — Provides emergency financial grants and transition assistance to junior enlisted military and their families. Call 858-695-6810 or visit: for more information.