
A world-wide organization that has created a school-based peer-to-peer club to connect youth while building change and resiliency skills. Our A4L club provides opportunities for peers to enhance social skills, learn leadership skills, build character, improve self-esteem, and integrate into their community. The A4L mission is to provide proven resources and strategies to children so they can become resilient, confident, and resourceful, to create a better world for themselves and others. All new students are "adopted" by an A4L student leader, with special consideration for the needs of our military students.

Heritage’s Anchored 4 Life Advisers:

Trinidad Lagman & Sally Mangosing |Teachers

(619) 421-7080

E-Learning Series

At Anchored4Life, we are a proud advocate of life skill development to support youth in becoming more resilient when faced with obstacles or changes. With the support of the US Navy and US Air Force, we have developed a short video series to support families at home with resiliency life skill development. Click here to check out our topics and watch some videos! Happy skill building!