Daily Health Screening
- Parents/guardians must pre-screen their children at home, for any sickness symptoms before sending them to school.
- If your child has any one or more sickness symptoms, keep them home and call us to discuss next steps: headache, sore throat, runny nose, cough, shortness of breath, fever of 100 or higher, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, chills, body/muscle aches.
- If your child develops any sickness symptoms during the school day, you will be called to promptly collect your child from school.
- If your child has a chronic medical condition that could have symptoms similar to covid-like sickness symptoms, please ask the office for a Chronic Medical Form. This may exempt your child from being sent home if they present themselves to the health office, as long as there are no other symptoms.
Health & Medication
Students are not permitted to carry medication on them at school, including pain relief medication or cough drops. If a child is required to take any medication at school, including an Epipen, prescribed for him/her by a physician, the physician must complete an "Authorization for Medication Administration" form. To allow authorized staff to administer medication, parents should give the form and medication to the Health Office. Parents will need to submit a new authorization form at the beginning of each new school year. If your child needs to take a medication for a short period of time during the school day, parents are welcome to administer the medication to their own child at the recess or lunch time.